Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Reason

My original reason for starting a blog was to retaliate, in the most loving way of course, against another blog in which wives of youth pastors come together and complain about their husbands' job. Being a pastors wife myself I find that site to be quite obnoxious and dishonoring to their husbands. Their poor husbands-I hope they never stumble across that site and view what their wives have been posting! Being a pastors wife can be difficult but is such an honor and I pray that the wives of pastors can come together to encourage and support one another in their ministry rather than complain and fire one another up about who has the worse summer because of youth camps and trips.

So, I struggled with names for this blog...morethanapastorswife and marriedtoayouthpastorandlovingit were just way too long andthishappened was already taken and so I settled upon, with the help of my husband and Sharpie, andthishappens...a sort of "sister site" to andthathappened...which you should check out by the way because my studly husband runs it.
So there you have it, the reason for and this happens which consequently is what happens when something frustrates me and gives pastors wives a bad name....

1 comment:

Matt Simons said...

this blog is the best blog is the history of all blogs