Thursday, September 25, 2008


Quite honestly I try to avoid talking to a lot of other people involved in youth ministry because it usually leaves me being frustrated and this happens...a post about my frustrations! I was recently reviewing a popular website among Pastor's wives and one of the most popular posts was about the game show Wipeout. Now, for the record, this is a pretty hilarious game show. We actually DVR it so that we can watch it with friends and make fun of the ridiculous things people will compete in for money. Having a post about the game show is not the frustrating thing frustrations comes in when the wives go on and on about how their youth pastor husbands spend time, energy and money figuring out how to recreate this obstacle course for their youth services. I am all about having fun and enjoy creating fun environments for youth the problem I have is that when we as youth leaders only have about an hour and half with these young students why are we wasting it playing silly games? Project Four Twelve is very, very unique in that we do not play games during our youth group services and I am astonished at how many groups will spend 45+ minutes playing games each week. Wednesday night for Jr. High and Thursday night for High School are our most crucial nights of the week and I can't imagine wasting that time playing silly games rather than worshiping and teaching students about the most important thing they will ever hear about. They don't need to compete in a fun competition what they need is to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ...they already know how to have fun...they need a Savior...they need to know how to live for Him, how to teach others about Him...not who can drink a disgusting blended drink of sardines and whatever else was on sale at the store. We have been entrusted with an amazing responsibility of teaching young people about Christ and I don't want to waste the time that we have to do that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

India Update!

I recently received an update from our India Trip Team Leader and wanted to pass it on to you to include you in my trip as well as to ask you to join me in praying for India. This update makes me nervous and at the same time makes me want to go to India even more. It is clear that the Christians in India need encouragement and support and the country is in dire need of Christ's love. Here is the email that the missionaries in Calcutta have sent to us:

I just spoke with [the Pastor] on the phone from Orissa. He says that things are much worse than even what the reports we’ve read are saying. The government is 100% for the radical Hindu groups that are attacking Christians, burning churches, killing and raiding. The Baptists and Catholic communities have been hit the hardest. Many Christians want to retaliate with violence by joining the terrorists hiding in the jungles. Many Christians must hide out in the jungle at night for safety. No where is safe for them. [Pastor] is there with his son, and others – who speaks the local language. They are meeting tomorrow – which will be our tonight – with 20 Christian pastors to fast and pray and seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance. He is asking for our sincere prayers. He wants to know what to do to help. We had two missionaries in this area for about a year, but they have since fled. There are some Christians there who have no pastor that were baptized under our care. [Pastor] believes that the Lord has a plan for this area and that many will be reached for Christ through this conflict. The people he has talked to are so very grateful that he came – they feel that there are not alone and they’ve been told that we are praying for them.

Please continue to pray and let others know what is happening. This hasn’t hit the world news reports yet, and it needs to. Indians in other areas feel that this is barbaric and is a stain on India. We must pray that the dark deeds of Satan against the church be revealed. Pray for God’s Spirit to lead and guide His people though this very difficult time of persecution. He is their ever present help in time of need. Pray to the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in Orissa.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

An Incredible Gift

While I am super excited for my upcoming India trip I am constantly seeking God's will and wanting to make sure it is what He wants me to be doing. I am nervous about the trip and there are numerous things that continue to pop into my mind that make me begin to doubt my thinking that I am suppose to go on the trip. I have sent out a number of support letters to inform family and friends of my latest adventure and have been thoroughly blessed with the prayer support, encouraging notes and generous financial donations however the most recent donation I received encouraged me and settled my doubting mind in ways I never expected. With today's economy I know money is tight and I have received so much support and simply do not have adequate words to express my gratitude to everyone. As I shuffled through yesterdays mail mostly consisting of bills and junk I noticed an envelope from a family of one of my 7th grade small group girls and as I opened it I was brought to tears as I pulled out $20 and a note telling me that the money was for my India trip and had been earned by the 7th grader through babysitting. While I have received generous donations of all sizes and know they all come with a sacrifice it amazes me how this beautiful girl was willing to make a sacrifice for God's Kingdom and for my trip. As I read the note I remembered the days when all my money was earned through babysitting and how tight I clung to every penny of that hard earned money and was overwhelmed with a sense of comfort...a sense of peace that I am suppose to be going on this trip. So, I thank you my dear small group participant because you have encouraged me and settled my mind in great ways...You are a beautiful child of God and I thank you for believing in me when I was having trouble believing in myself.