Sunday, May 31, 2009

If only...then maybe

If only you knew that we spend our vacation thinking of ways to improve the youth group then maybe you would be slower to judge our decisions.

If only you knew how many hours we put into the youth ministry then maybe you would be less likely to tell us to add another event to benefit you.

If only you took a few minutes to ask the vision and purpose of the group then maybe you would understand the meaning behind our decisions.

If only you knew how much we truly care for each student then maybe you would understand that it breaks our hearts when we hear students are partying...and if only you knew how much we try to keep them on a healthy path then maybe you would be slower to put the blame on us when it does happen.

If only you would offer to host an event at your house or sponsor an event then maybe we could put some of your ideas on the calendar.

If only you encouraged/made your child attend youth group then maybe they would know what events are going on.

If only you were a parent to your child rather than a friend then maybe they would not go out and drink.

If only you volunteered in the youth ministry then maybe you could help "those" know, the ones who go out and drink...not yours, "those".

If only you spent some quality time with God then maybe your child would too.

If only you knew that youth ministry is more of a way of life than it is a job then maybe you would be less critical and choose your words more carefully.

If only...

One more No-No

"Are you tired?"..."No, oh, you look tired"

Oh, gee, thanks for that boost of confidence!! Really, does anyone want to know when they look tired?? Let's just leave this question out of our conversations...uh, how about forever!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Conversation "no-nos"

Being a pastors wife I have come to notice that some people think they know you a lot better than they actually do. This probably happens because they see my husband on stage and see us around the church...being part of a large church most people know us but we do not know them. And this happens...people think they are pretty close to us when in reality we barely know who they are...which leads them to making comments or asking questions they really shouldn't. In the past few weeks this has become very clear to me through some of the questions and statements that have been directed at me. So, I thought I would do a service to everyone and remind you of a few questions/statements you don't say to people...especially women.

When waiting to get food at a self-serve BBQ don't say "Oh, (insert name here) just got her food, is there any left?"

When saying good-bye to someone at the same BBQ don't say, "I'll see you at the gym working this BBQ off".

When seeing someone make up their plate at a self-serve dinner don't ask, "Is that all for you?"

And, the one I thought everyone knew..."Are you pregnant?" Really, no matter how close you think you are to someone, don't ask this question! Here's a hint...if you are "that close" she will tell you if she is won't have to ask!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay, so clearly I have been slacking on posting about our New Orleans trip. I have decided to just post some highlights instead of posting about every day...because I can't exactly remember what happened on which day now :-)

Some highlights from playing with the kids in the projects:

A little girl was asking us where we were from and when a team member answered "California" she responded with, "Oh, is that where all white people come from??"

On the first day we arrived to the projects one little girl, about 10 years old, spotted one of our male team members and was determined to make him her best friend. The little girl played with our team member all day and eagerly awaited his arrival on the second day. When we finally arrived on the second day she presented letters, poems and pictures to our team member. We teased him about his new girl friend but were really touched when he read her letter and it stated that no one ever played with her because she was the fat, ugly girl. Our team member was committed to making sure she got all the attention she deserved and it was wonderful. They even went on a picnic together in the projects.

Some highlights from demolition:
We got to demolition a whole apartment complex rather than a house.

The apartment complex owner also owned a doughnut shop so we got free doughnuts in the morning!

Our work on the apartment complex will not only give homes back to families but will also give a means of income back to a family.

Street Ministry Highlight:
We met a husband and wife that survived Hurricane Katrina. When the hurricane hit and the water rose in New Orleans he swam 2 miles with his wife on his back. They left their house with only his wallet, which the wife held in her mouth, and a Bible.

Random Highlights:
Jenna almost beat everyone during a Speed Tournament..after she pretended she had never played before.

We went to a swamp area and got to see alligators and it was sweet!

Matt and some other guys from the team saw a brutal beating and called the cops while in hot pursuit of the suspects.

The upstairs toilet overflowed and leaked through the ceiling of the first floor and Matt just happened to be standing under it...and this happens...Matt gets peed on during a game of Mafia.

Mission Trip Flexibility Moment:
We planned on going to church one night...and had even prepared...we were dressed and ready to go when our YWAM leader showed up to tell us the church service was the night before. Oh, by the way, this is after he checked the website earlier that day to see what time the service was at!