Saturday, July 18, 2009


Summertime in youth ministry is my favorite time of the year. Summertime is crazy busy but totally rewarding and so much fun! In just a couple days we leave for Biola University with 130 high school students and 20 leaders for a Christ In Youth Conference (CIY) which will be attended by thousands of other high schoolers. This is going to be an awesome week and I hope that you will join me in praying for all the students and that they will be open to being changed by God.

We will return from CIY with just one day before leaving for Amplify-Junior High Summer Camp in Tahoe. We are taking about 80 junior high students to summer camp and pray that they will be changed as well and excited to show their community the love of Christ when they return home.

I always look forward to these camps and conferences as our students walk away challenged, changed and refreshed in Christ. I look forward to writing again in a couple weeks to update you on all the exciting happenings from camp!

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