Barbara was one of the patients at Prem Dan that spoke English really well. She was at Prem Dan because she had a stroke and was not able to move her left leg. Other than that she was pretty healthy. She had even been in a regular hospital but they were charging her too much so she had to leave. And, while she has a family and an apartment her family was unable to take care of her since she needs help getting to the restroom and such. Barbara even knew the pastor we worked with, Pastor Gus, and attends his church. Since the homes for the dying do not offer any rehabilitation or physical therapy our team decided to do it on our own. One day we got Barbara out of bed and we taught her how to use a walker to get around. We would stretch her leg for her and teach her how to do it herself so that she didn't get worse from not using her muscles.
Barbara is an amazing lady and taught our team a lesson in humility one day when she asked if we would pray with her. We prayed for her and when we were finished she began to pray for us. It was a beautiful moment. It was difficult to leave Barbara as we were able to grow closer to her because we did not have a language barrier.
I wanted to share this story with you today because this morning I got great news. Exactly one month ago today we left Calcutta and this morning we got word from one of the volunteers that is still working in Prem Dan that this morning Barbara went home to be with her family. It is wonderful news for us as she was very unhappy and lonely staying at Prem Dan.
This morning was bitter sweet as I heard this news. I am so happy for Barbara but so sad for the other ladies that won't get to go home to their families or don't have families to go home to. It reminds me that while we left Calcutta and came home to the prestige of the United States the men and women we encountered are still there, still struggling for life and still living in the same conditions we saw them in. It reminds me that they were not there just for us to serve but they were there because that is the life they live. They don't get to spend two weeks in it and go on to something better and that is difficult for me to think about.
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