Sunday, May 8, 2011


"Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you." 1 Peter 4:12

Okay, so we know trials (challenges) are going to come our way and even though God's word says we should not be surprised by them we still manage to be shocked when they do, myself included. Recently I've been caught off guard by challenges that have been placed in my path but instead of crawling in a hole (like I've often felt like doing) I've decided to take this opportunity to work on myself, try new things, expand my comfort zone, and push myself. So far (among some other things) I've gotten two new tattoos, a new ear piercing, made new friends and smoked a cigar. However, the things on my calendar for the weeks to come are even more exciting. In a couple weeks I'm going skydiving, in October I'm running a half marathon in San Francisco (hills galore!), a full marathon in December and at the end of next month I plan to go to Nicaragua with my roommates.

We've been given an opportunity to work with the International Women's Coffee Association (IWCA) through my roommates families coffee company. The IWCA works to "empower women in the international coffee community to achieve meaningful and sustainable lives; and to encourage and recognize the participation of women in all aspects of the coffee industry". We know that trials are going to come our way yet for many women around the world life is a constant trial because of the circumstances they live in. I'm excited for the opportunity to go work with some women that are striving to improve their circumstances in order to raise healthy families.

The challenges I've been faced with have given me an opportunity to take more time to travel and work with people in other countries that have challenges of their own.

More to come on my adventures...